
Healthy Life and Healthy Style

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Feel Hungry Easily? It could be that you are Experience This Things

Have you experienced this? Just finished eating, already full. But not long after that, you feel hungry again. You are very wanna snacking or eat some food again. You can not stop eating anymore. When you feel hungry easily and can not stop eating, it could be that your body is experiencing certain conditions. The cause of hunger is very diverse. One of them is dehydration.

In fact, we often confused distinguish hungry conditions with thirst. Often actually the hunger that we feel is a sign that our body needs fluids. Not the food we need, but the drinks. So as not to confuse it, distinguish hunger and thirst, please follow the info below. 

Hungry / pic via echtgezondafvallen.nl

How to difference between hunger and thirst :

Hunger :
  1. Feeling weak
  2. Being irritable
  3. Headache
  4. Rumbling stomach
Thrist :
  1. Feeling weak
  2. Being irritable
  3. Headache
  4. Dry mouth
You can look both of above. The hunger and thrist are almost same in condition. The difference is just in number 4.  

So, if you feel hungry easily, you don't have to eat heavy food soon. You should to drink a glass of water first. This technique will help you to control your appetite and you will be spared from obesity. Furthermore, drink the mineral water 30 minutes before eating or snacking, will help the body to absorp the water effectivily. So that the digestion will be better.

When you feel hungry easily, there is a chance you are actually dehydrated. Dehydration is serious problem! Because the impact can cause a number of other health problems. So, always make sure your body gets enough fluids everyday.