
Healthy Life and Healthy Style

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Want to flatten your Stomach? Try this Easy French diet

Having a slim body and a flat stomach is every woman's dream. They can even spend hours just sitting in front of a mirror, and looking for clothes that can only make them look perfect also hide belly fat. Perhaps, many people think, if the flat stomach can be obtained by exercising. However, busy schedules or laziness, often thwart the desire to get a flat stomach.

But, you don't have to worry, getting a flat stomach is not only through by exercise, but maintaining a healthy diet is the key. See how french women can have a flat stomach, though rarely exercise. So, what's their secret?
Belly fat / pic via huffingtonpost.com
Do not just admire them, try to adjust their lifestyle, especially eating habits. You should focus on the quality of the food you eat rather than the quantity. And that's how you get a flat stomach, body fit and stay active.

Seven lifestyle of french woman for best diet, get flat stomach :

  1. Choose Organic Food and Fasting

    You should focus on the quality of the food. Avoid oily food and also with a strong flavor. Choosing organic foods like green leafy vegetables, skinless chicken or tuna is the right choice. Avoid also excessive salt intake, because it can increase your belly fat. 
  2. Sit down and Eat

    Many of us have eating habits while on the move. In ancient times, ordinary people just sit at the table and eat without speaking. But many of us do not follow that. As we hurried to the office, we would pick up a fruit or a piece of bread and hurry out the door while chewing. It affects our digestive system, which can store fat in the abdomen. So you have to sit up straight and eat. 
  3. Chew slowly

    You often swallow food with water. But it actually makes the food is not digested properly and will be the fat stored in the stomach. Chew the food properly. This will make them easy to digest, and will not allow extra calories to be stored in the stomach. 
  4. Rich Protein Food

    Protein is a very vital element for our body, because it will build for maintenance, growth and energy. You can add protein rich foods like eggs, tofu and nuts in your daily diet. Proteins will break into amino acids and help relieve depression. Often when we are depressed, we also eat excess food, and let the fat in our stomach. 
  5. Reduce Calorie intake

    If you've eaten big during the day, do not go back to eating in the afternoon or even at night. It's hard to resist. But, you have to do it if you want to get a flat stomach completely. 
  6. Calories in Drinks

    Cold drinks are not good when you're on a diet. In addition, you should consume less fruit juice with preservatives, because it contains high fat that is not good for health. Eat fresh fruit with its skin, it will make your body healthier.
  7. Use Olive Oil

    Replace cooking oil with olive oil. Olive oil contains omega-3 fatty acids that reduce cholesterol, and prevent heart attacks. You can use olive oil as a salad spice, as it not only improves your appetite but also helps reduce fat from the body.  