
Healthy Life and Healthy Style

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

7 Incredible Reasons Why You Should Consume Celery in the Evening

Celery is a vegetable-shaped leaves and medicinal plants commonly used as a spice in cooking. Celery are easily found. In countries such as Japan, China and Korea, part of the celery stalk leaves are also used as a food ingredient. Even European countries, they use all parts of celery, ranging from leaf, petiole, fruit and tuber.

Celery leaves are commonly used as an ingredient in a soup. Celery is also very useful for natural treatment. Celery contains a lot of water and fiber and excellent for digestion. But you should not to consume celery if you are suffering from diarrhea.
Celeries / pic via specialtyproduce.com

Here is 7 reasons why you should eat celery :

  1. Very nice to regulate alkaline balance in the body 
  2. Helps relieve inflammation
  3. Relieves asthma, acne, joint pain and lung infections 
  4. Reduce blood pressure, because it contains active compounds called phthalides 
  5. Celery is also good to overcome the bad cholesterol in the body 
  6. Stalk of celery is also good for eye health. It is also suited to help you lose weight, because one stalk of celery contains only 10 calories.
  7. Celery can also make your sleep easily, because celery help calm the nervous system in your body.

Additional tips :

Use steam to maintain the flavor of celery and keep the nutritional of celery up to 99%. Moreover, in choosing celery, choose the shaf bent vertically, with leaves that look crisp and fresh. If the celery has a darker color, their flavor will be stronger and you should consume chopped celery and fresh.