
Healthy Life and Healthy Style

Friday, August 18, 2017

The Fast Way to Remove your Belly Fat Using Lime Juice and Charcoal

Currently, when you go to a beauty shop to buy skin care or hair care products, you will see many products that contain activated charcoal in it. Moreover, hair care products such as shampoo and hair mask also contains activated charcoal. Even, some pasta and toothbrushes now contain activated charcoal too.

But not for beauty purpose only, activated charcoal is apparently able to make a flat stomach and remove fat. Perhaps many of us are wondering, what is activated charcoal? Is it the same as charcoal used to burn meat?

After much research and experimentation, the results prove that the activated charcoal contains certain compounds that are beneficial to the skin, hair and even teeth, and now become popular around the world.

Lime juice and charcoal

The contain of active charcoal

Activated charcoal is known that contain some vitamins and antioxidants, which can shrink the pores and give skin tones become brighter. It also makes hair more radiant and healthier.

And the good news is, activated charcoal is also present with a lot of health benefits, especially for weight loss. You may have tried a number of home remedies, but maybe in vain, have no result. So it's time to try this one.
You can also consume activated charcoal and this lime juice to remove belly fat.

The recipe of lime juice with activated charcoal

Materials needed :
  • Activated charcoal powder (available in chemist stores), 2 tablespoons
  • One tablespoon lime juice
  • One cup warm water
The method :
Add the activated charcoal powder and the suggested lime juice to a warm glass of water. Mix well until mixed. Consume this beverage every morning on an empty stomach.

Last but not least

However, we should also remember that this herb is only effective when you also follow a low-fat diet, with lots of fiber and protein content. In addition, it is also important to exercise at least 40 minutes per day including cardio-vascular exercise such as running, jumping, and others.

Activated carbon contains high antioxidant that can increasing the body metabolism, thus eliminating fat in the abdominal area. While lime juice is rich in vitamin C that has been associated with weight loss, because its acid properties can burn fat cells quickly, especially belly fat

Pic source :
  1. Lemon juice - blogbololo.com.br
  2. Activated charcoal  - profofpot.com