
Healthy Life and Healthy Style

Sunday, April 23, 2017

No Need Exercise, These 3 Kinds of Food Will Help you to Get a Good Body

If you've been busy all day with work, you must be so lazy for exercise? When you get home, you just want to rest and watch the tv. On the other hands, you also want to have a slim body, flat stomach, and healthy body. Well, this is not a dream. Health experts and fitness experts suggest, if you want to eat these 3 meals daily and avoid 3 other foods, you can get a flat stomach without exercise.

3 Kinds of Foods that will Help you to get a good body without exercise :

eating apple / pic via de.123rf.com
  1. Almond

    These nuts contain high protein and fiber that help keep you full longer. If you can not eat almonds every day, replace with soybeans or boiled edamame.
  2. Egg

    Research from the Pennington Biomedical Research Center found that people who eat eggs every day are able to maintain appetite, keep the stomach full and reduce the desire to snacking.
  3. Apple

    Research in 2003 found that obese women who ate three apples per day for three months were able to lose more weight than those who did not eat apples. Apples not only help make a full stomach with fiber content, but also meet the nutrients the body needs.
To make the flat belly run smoothly, you should also avoid eating processed foods, white bread (various processed wheat flour), and savory salty snack. 