
Healthy Life and Healthy Style

Friday, November 24, 2017

The Signs of your Body if You Have Consumed Salt Excessively

Salt is one of the most commonly spices that used for food. Salt make the food become tasty and delicious. But, if consumed in large quantities, salt will be very dangerous for health. According to some studies, salt may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, water retention to other fatal diseases.

Therefore, we should not be excessive in consuming salt. Automatically, our body will send specific signals if we are too much in consuming salt. It is important for us to know these signals. There are  4 signals which indicates that our body is too much salt.

4 Signals from the body if we have consumed too much salt :

  1. Headache frequently

    Based on a study, people who consume more than 3,500 mg of sodium a day, 30 percent more likely have a painful headache 
  2. Always feel thirsty

    Too much salt in the body will make you always feel thirsty. This is because the brain sends required signal to body to stay hydrated well.
  3. Frequent urination

    Too much salt in the body will make you frequent to urination. This is because the kidneys are working hard for cleanse excess sodium in the body. You have to balance it, in order to keep the body's metabolism working properly, you need to consume healthy foods like fresh fruits and vegetables. You have to drink plenty of water all day. 
  4. Less focus

    Too much salt in the body will also causes dehydration of the brain. As a result, brain function becomes impaired. You will be less focused and concentrated.