
Healthy Life and Healthy Style

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Diseases That Caused by Drinking Soft drinks Regularly

Soft drink is one of the refreshing drinks, especially when you take in the daytime. In addition, it is not complete to eat fried chicken without soft drinks. This drink has become the obligatory drink of most modern society.

Soft drinks are also very easy to find in nearby stalls. Soft drinks have many flavors, so that we want to always drink it. But did you know that soft drinks can be very detrimental to health?
Researchers studied the DNA of 5,300 volunteers aged 20 to 65 years. They found that drinking 20 ounces of soda per day would accelerate aging by about 4 to 6 years.
Drinking soft drink / pic via pixabay

These are 4 diseases that caused by drinking soft drinks regularly

  1. Obesity

    According to some studies, calories from sugar more easily turn into fat than calories from other sources. Based on Harvard University research, 12-year-old girls who drink sweet sodas are more likely to be obese than those who avoid them. The University of Texas Health Science Center also found that every can or bottle of soft drink consumed daily, will increases the risk of being overweight by 41 percent.
  2. Osteoporosis

    A study from Tufts University found that women who drink soda, have a low density in their hips. It will increases the risk of fractures, especially when they get old.
  3. Cancer

    Soft drinks also increase the risk of various types of cancer. One of them is pancreatic cancer. This is based on a study in China. That research revealed that drinking two or more soft drinks a week, could increase the risk of pancreatic cancer compared with people who did not drink it.
  4. Diabetes

    A study at Imperial College of London found that people who drank 12 ounces of soda a day had the potential to increase the risk of type 2 diabetes by 18 percent compared to those who did not drink soda.