
Healthy Life and Healthy Style

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Some Facts About Health that you Have to Know

Sometimes, some health tips are sound silly, but it can work for the long term. And some habits have a cumulative effect, which if done continuously, will give a long term advantage. For example, eating apples every day is good for health. But, the benefits of apples will not be felt if you only eat apples in just one day, while other days you do not eat it.

It's due to makes the people guess about the fact of a thing, though in fact, they do not know fully. Therefore, in order not to be confused with a fact that is not true, you should know some facts about health below.
Health / pic via hrreview.co.uk

Facts about health that you have to know :

  1. Drink more water

    We are told to drink plenty of water at any time. But drinking more water is recommended during the day and less water at night, for better digestion. Read also : This man drink a gallon of water for 30 days
  2. Reading in the dark will harmful your eyes

    Have you ever been advised not to read in the dark because it can damage the eyes? Reading in the dark will only tire the eyes but not damage our eyes.
  3. The best way to be slim is to eat less than usual

    If you eat less than usual, your weight will drop quickly, which seems very effective. But, for the long term, it's bad for your health and your weight. If you eat less, you will be deprived of vitamins and minerals, so that you will always feel weak and powerless. You have to consult with the doctor for your better ways of diet.
  4. The best way to overcome the hiccups is to drink water

    Medically, there is no evidence of the effectiveness of drinking water or holding your breath in overcoming hiccups. According to the old recommendation of the New England Journal of Medicine (1971), swallowing a spoon of sugar grains would be more effective. According to the study, this tactic managed to stop the hiccups in 19 of 20 patients. 
  5. Warm milk makes the child easy to fall asleep

    Milk contains a little tryptophan, a type of amino acid that has an effect on sleep. However, you need to gallons milk to feel the effect. If you find your child so easy to fall asleep after drinking milk, it is actually a routine that helps children to be calm.   
That's the facts about health that you have to know. Perhaps you have been using the wrong understanding of health. Now, you have to undestand the true.