
Healthy Life and Healthy Style

Monday, July 24, 2017

These Are 'Poisons' That you Eat Everyday

You may not realize how dangerous these foods. The worse news is, you eat them every day. These kind of food are called 'poison' because contains little nutrients, protein, and vitamins. If you consume these products daily, it can increase your risk of hypertension, diabetes, and other common illnesses. So, what are they?

white rice / pic via today.mims.com

3 Kind of 'Poison' that you Eat Everyday :

  1. Flour

    Flour contains only a small amount of nutrients. Chemicals added in the production of flour called aloksan can cause diabetes, according to medical research conducted on healthy mice.
  2. White sugar

    White sugar can not be considered as food, but pure chemicals are extracted from plant sources such as sugarcane or beets. Then in the process will remove all fiber-forming protein and 90 percent healthy nutrients. Sugar lacks proteins, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, has no micro elements, does not have fiber. Sugar only gives energy, nothing else.
  3. White rice

    White rice can significantly increase glucose levels in your bloodstream, which can be diabetic. The process undertaken in the manufacture of rice includes a purification process that removes outer layers and germs. And basically what remains is the endosperm, which consists of starch.
For that reason, you should stop consuming the five foods and add more healthy foods to your daily menu, such as fruits, vegetables, wheat, and others.