
Healthy Life and Healthy Style

Saturday, May 6, 2017

You Should not Buy or Eat this Chicken Meat With this Sign

Chicken is a very good source of protein, and more affordable than other types of meat. With this fact, it is not surprising that many poultry producers supply the market with chicken meat. Of course this chicken meat has different qualities, some good, not even a little poor quality.

Therefore, you must be careful when buying chicken meat. Do not choose chicken with a pale color or smelly. One more, do not buy chicken meat if there is a white line on the meat. Why?
Chicken meat with white line / pic via thrillist.com
According to a new campaign launched by the organization 'Compassion in World Farming' states that the white line that is often seen on a piece of chicken meat is an indication that the chicken suffered from muscle disorders, caused by the chicken has been raised unnaturally. Although not life-threatening, this can still be a problem.

The appearance of white lines on chicken meat will reduce the quality of meat and increase fat content up to 224 percent. As we all know, eating fatty foods is a major source of heart disease.

Usually, it takes about 47 days for chicks to reach 3 kg weight. Whereas 50 years ago, chicks took about 70 days to achieve the same weight. This shows that the chickens are forced to grow rapidly.

Finally, this causes muscle disorders and raises a white line on chicken meat. So if you look at a piece of chicken, you should be cancel your intention to buy and eat it.