
Healthy Life and Healthy Style

Monday, May 8, 2017

4 Dangerous Habits You Often Do After Eating

After lunch or dinner, what habits do you often do? Watching TV, lying down, chatting, playing gadgets? Do you know?, not all the habits are good for you. We remind you to never occasionally do these habits, either after lunch or dinner. In addition to the above habits, there are some other habits that are not less dangerous if you do after having meal. Here's the list.

Don't do these bad habits after having meal

Having meal / pic via de.123rf.com

1. Smoking

Smoking after having meal is very harmful to health. It's important to pause a few hours after eating, and then you smoke. Because cigarettes contain nicotine that can bind excess oxygen for digestion, allowing the body to absorb more carcinogens than usual.

According to some studies, smoking after eating just the same as you smoke 10 cigarettes at once. In addition, this habit can also increase the risk of lung disease and bowel cancer. But, no matter after eating or not, smoking is always harmful to health.

2. Eat fruit

The best time to consume fruit is before eating, when the stomach is empty, because fruits require different enzymes to digest. In addition, the sugar contained in the fruit takes more time to be completely absorbed. On the other hand, eating fruit after meals can cause heartburn, belching, and indigestion.

3. Sleep

If you go straight to bed after eating, this will make you experience discomfort, bloating, and sleep disorders, because this habit will force your stomach to burn at night. University of Ioannina Medical School conducted a study proving that people who wait longer to sleep after meals, are less likely to suffer a stroke. So make sure you do not eat at least a few hours before bedtime.

4. Bath

Take a bath after meals can increase blood flow in the legs and hands, thus reducing blood flow in the stomach. This will weaken your digestive system and cause abdominal pain. 