
Healthy Life and Healthy Style

Friday, March 10, 2017

Avoid This 4 Attitude if You Get Stress

We all face the stress situations. For some people, stress occurs in their daily lives. So that stress does notoverwhelming and make your health worse, it is important to recognize the trigger anxiety, which can lead to stress. If you can find the trigger anxiety and avoid it, will easily reduce the stress level that you feel.
The illustration of stress / pic via completewellbeing.com

4 Hidden anxiety triggers that could potentially cause stress:

  1. Overworking

    A good work ethic is commendable. However, if you are stressed at work, do not try to work overtime. This will aggravate anxieties. Working overtime can easily trigger the anxiety. Try for a balanced, between work and rest. 
  2. Full Diet (bad diet)

    Body and our brain gets the nutrients from the food we eat. We need enough nutrients to keep mentally and physically in order stay healthy. If we do a full diet, the nutrients will not spread out well. To prevent physical and mental stress, it is important to pay attention of nutritious food intake and don't do the full diet or even bad diet. 
  3. Lack of sleep

    When we get stress, it hard to sleep. However, if the sense is followed, the anxiety that you feel will increase. It certainly not good, because stress will increase as well. Sleep is important ritual for body. The body will be more relaxed when sleeping, and stress would be reduced. 
  4. Anti-social

    When stress, many people prefer to stay at home all day, watching movies or doing other things that are fun. This may be done in as long as they are reasonable. But if you do it to the extreme, will actually increase anxiety and stress. Better to get out and meet up with your friends, by telling stories or chitchat, anxiety and stress will disappear by itself.