
Healthy Life and Healthy Style

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Lose your Weight Easily with this Drinking Water Method

This may sound impossible, but water is a natural substance that can help you to lose weight. Almost 70% of your body is composed of water, so hydration is pretty much indispensable. Our body will lose a lot of water every day, so we have to replace them well. 

Water will help to improve the metabolic system, if the metabolism increases and good, that means, the calorie will burn sooner. Water also helps rid the body from toxins and as an appetite suppressant. Coffee consumption, greasy foods, canned foods, carbonated beverages, will make the body hooked. Water becomes the antidote of that hooked, because water can decreasing the acidic levels.
drinking water / pic via 123rf.com
If you lack of the water, metabolism will be disturbed, the head feels dizzy, fatigue and you'll get sugar cravings. You can read the indicators that your body is lack of water. Once the importance of water for the body, so we have to keep the body hydrated. For you are still lazy to drink mineral water, you have to try the these following tips.

Here are tips that you can drink more water:

Always carry a water bottle wherever you go. Drink water in that bottle, if the bottle empty, you have to make full again. You should to drink a glass of water before eating, it can suppress your appetite. The feeling of fullness will make you eat less. Based on a study of adults, showed that drinking water before meals can lose weight 2 kg in 12 weeks. In another study, adolescents who are overweight and then drink water before meals, experienced weight loss by 44% compared with the group that did not.

Drinking cold water may help increase metabolism because the body tries hard to warm the water we consume. The increasing of metabolism can help you to burn calories and help youto  lose weight. In addition, the cold water also makes the body more fresh than usual water. Better if you adding lemons, limes or cucumbar. Cut these materials and then put in a bottle that you have. Vegetables can improve hydration, because these vegetables contain lots of water.

How do I know if I am excess of the water

You will know if your body is well hydrated through the urine that you spend. Look the color of your urine, clear or yellow dark. The darker urine that you generate, you have to drink much water , especially for the purpose of lowering weight.