
Healthy Life and Healthy Style

Friday, March 3, 2017

Morning is the best Time to Get Workout, Here the reasons

Workout is one ways to maintain the health of the body and mind. This should really be considered, because if we do not often do a physical activity, we will feel tired during the day and insomnia at night. Do not let itu happen! Train your body with regular exercise every morning. Why should this morning? Because it's the best time.
Morning exercise / pic : reference.com

Here are 5 reasons why the morning is a good time to exercise:

  1. Good for the body's metabolism

    Exercise in the morning is great for stimulating the body's metabolism and keep it optimally throughout the day, even up to 20 hours! Because of good metabolism, this means that you still burn calories while sitting in school or the workplace, or when drinking coffee with friends. And it keeps going because your routine exercise in the morning.
  2.  There are not many distractions

    When you exercise in the morning, the atmosphere is different when you exercise in the afternoon or evening. Morning workouts minimize distractions that interfere, eg car noise, polluted air and a variety of other disorders 
  3. Eliminate headaches

    Are you including frequent headaches or dizziness? If so, start getting exercise in the morning. As it turns out with exercise can help us to eliminate the onset of the pain. A recent study found that headaches or dizziness are caused by sleeping too long. Therefore, wake up form your bed and exercising immediately. 
  4. Slow the aging process

    By exercising regularly, the body metabolism will increase. The growth of new cells will be faster and the old cells will die with the movements that we do when exercising. Therefore, experts believe that by execising helps us to replace our cells that are old to be replaced with new cells.