
Healthy Life and Healthy Style

Friday, March 24, 2017

Four Tips to be a Better Runner in your Life

Running is a perfect exercise. This sport is super efficient calorie blaster that can burn 600 calories per hour. Running also does not require a lot of expense. Only with sports shoes, you can already running. According to a study, showed that running can improve your mood, improve sleep, lower the risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes.
Running / pic via wallpapercave.com
Recent research reveals that the brains of runners have better connectivity and can help prevent age-related decline. In order to continue to be a good practice and get maximum benefit out of the running, there are four tips that you can follow:

1. Hydration

Hydration is sometimes boring, but this is a very important thing. When you are dehydrated, your blood volume will be decreasing, so that your heart will be forced to work harder. Make hydration by drinking mineral water before exercising. Then drink about 3-8 ounces of fluid every 15-20 minutes walk, especially if the weather is hot or humid.

2. Share your activity

Proclaim your running activities on Google plus feed, facebook or twitter feed. The more people who know about your activities, the more you are motivated to do this training. Do not forget to invite some friends to join it. You will be more motivated and committed.

3. Always warm up first

Although your your time's up, do not forget to always warm up first before running. Warming up make your muscles are more relaxed and make it ready for work (running). It also can avoid the risk of injury. Do the warm up about 5 minutes, such as body squats, leg swings, high knees and others.

4. Use technology for measurement

You need tracking for this activity. Starting from a distance, the speed, look at the number of calories burned,etc. There are many free applications you can get to do this tracking. Free apps usually have standard features. But if you want more features, you can buy the premium version. With this tracking application, you will be more motivated, and it's like getting a pat on your back for your Efforts.