
Healthy Life and Healthy Style

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Amazing! This is What Happen if You Drink Lemon Mixed With Olive Oil Every Morning!

Nowadays, more people are looking for natural or herbal treatments. Most of them reduce the use of chemical medicine, due to their chemical medicine can give side effects to the body.

Sophistication and natural medicinal benefits can not be underestimated. Natural medicine can help people to solve various problems in the body, ranging from headaches, constipation, arthritis, and cancer.
Lemon and olive oil / Picture by healthncure.org
Olive oil and lemon, when mixed in a teaspoon, will provide extraordinary benefits for the body. Especially if consumed every morning. What are the benefits?

This is the benefits if you drink lemon and olive oil every morning:
  1. Protects the Heart

    The fatty acids found in olive oil can control and improve blood circulation. Additionally, another benefit is that it can eliminate the bad cholesterol that made the blood flow into a dead end. Moreover, olive oil has an anti-inflammatory effect and gives a lot of vitamins.  
  2. Articular or Rheumatic Pains

    The combination of lemon and olive oil can help overcome rheumatism. This is due because the mixture of olive oil and lemon has an anti-inflammatory character. 
  3. Fights Constipation

    A mixture of lemon and olive oil can lubricate the mucosa and activate the function of the bladder and gallbladder. In addition, the antioxidants contained in it can help eliminate toxins and aid digestion returned to normal with the right.
  4. Keeps Liver and Gallbladder Balanced

    When the body is exposed to toxins, we would definitely feel fatigue, body weight, or swelling. Lemon and olive oil can help overcome them and make the liver remove toxins.
Now, you know what must you consume to improve your health.