
Healthy Life and Healthy Style

Thursday, February 2, 2017

A Very Good Home Made Recipes That Eradicate Mosquitoes and Cockroaches Shortly

We live in a great environment filled with a myriad of species. From many of these species, there are some species that could be called as a pest, because they interfere with humans. Some of them are mosquitoes and cockroaches.

Mosquito bites can cause itching, chikungunya to dengue fever. While cockroaches can spread bacteria and disease, contaminate food by food poisoning. Both types of these insects like to live in the homes of humans. Therefore, to avoid the adverse consequences of these insects, you can try to use simple ways below.
Mosquitoes and Cockroaches
There are many products available of which claim that will help you resolve of this problem, but all chemicals have certain side effects that needs to be avoided in our lifestyle, and this natural solution is a good selection for your needs.

To arrange the following natural solution you have to pick:

  • ½ a cup of shampoo 
  • ½ a cup of vegetable oil 
  •  ½ a cup of natural vinegar (this should be of 9% concentration)


Blend most of the substances well together with ensure you find a homogeneous blend. In that case, get that homogeneous blend within a bottle of spray to spray all the places where mosquitoes and cockroaches hiding

Feel free to use the following solution inside bedrooms which has no troubles since the device is utterly all natural. You can use it when you are in the backyard or garden. Just apply to your skin to make it work as a natural eradicator.