
Healthy Life and Healthy Style

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Drink Herbal Tea When You Get Fever, It's The Reasons

Tea is one of the best herbal ingredients to fight fever. Not only quick to make it, but, its taste is very good. So that the children like it very much and would drink it. Tea also contains many vitamins and minerals that your body needs. And Here's 3 benefits of drinking tea during fever.
Tea / pic via pngall.com

3 Benefits of drinking herbal tea during fever

1. Help hydration

One of the benefits of consuming herbal tea for fever is to help accelerate the body hydrated. Why hydration very important during a fever? Because during the fever, the body loses water very quickly than normal conditions. So that, it's very important to accelerate the turnover of the lost water. Although not dangerous, but hydration could be very serious.

2. Stimulates the body

Tea work quickly to circulate the body and dissipates heat out of the body. Why stimulates the body during fever is an important thing? When someone feel the fever, she or he will feel cold and shivering. This is an indicator that the body is trying to warm up. Stimulation of herbal tea not only helps the body become warm, but also increases circulation which helps white blood cells to move faster to his destination in the body.

3. Promote sweating

Tea can cause you to sweat. It is very important, especially when fever. Why should sweating? Sweating is a natural mechanism to cool the body. So when a fever, the sweat that comes out will helped accelerate to decline of the fever. Sweating also helps to remove toxins in your body. This is the body's natural detox method.

Of course, drinking herbal tea is not only when you get fever, but also nice to consumed every day. Because of the rich content of vitamins and mineral, tea is very good for your health.