
Healthy Life and Healthy Style

Friday, March 3, 2017

Consume Turmeric Regularly is Like Workout Every Day

Turmeric is a spice plant native from Southeast Asia. These plants then spread to Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia to Africa. This plant is widely used as a cooking spice, herbs, as well as to maintain the health and beauty.

Based on a study, consumption of turmeric is as good as exercise. It's because turmeric maintains healthy cardiovascular system. Turmeric contains polyphenols called Curcuma and this can improve the work of the heart. Turmeric can reduce the risk of postoperative heart attack by 50%.
Turmeric / pic via : libertariannews.org

Study about turmeric

There was a study involving 32 women who are menopause and post-menopause. 32 women were divided into three groups, one group consumed Curcuma, the second group did exercise and other group did not do exercise or consume Curcuma. Healthy blood vessels become the focus of the research.

The first group consumed 150 mg curcuma every day that derived from turmeric. The second group doing aerobics three times a week, walking and cycling also. After 8 weeks, the study was completed. Both groups consumed Curcuma and did exercise gives good results. Both of them had the good health of their blood vessels.

The results of these studies could be a motivation for more people to start taking Curcuma and exercise regularly. Although Curcuma can not replace exercise perfectly, both would be nice if combined.