
Healthy Life and Healthy Style

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Get rid of Your Back Pain With This Amazing 7 Minutes Stretching

Back pain often occurs in most people. It usually occurs after exercising, working hard for a long time, even after playing with the kids. You may accept the pain as part of your aging process. But, of course, you should not surrender in this position. If you have back pain, stiffness, soreness or spasms, the following simple exercise can overcome the complaint. Your back will come back fit and strong.

It only took a total of about 7 minutes to do this little stretching. Before you do the stretching, you have to warm up first.  

Warming up before take stretching :

  1. Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. With this relaxing spot, the tiny from your back aren't going to be touching the bottom.
  2. Perform pelvic tilt just by strain your abdominal muscles in order that the small with the spine passes with the floors. Support for 5 seconds, and then relax.
  3. Do this again proceed thrice along with slowly and gradually generate 10 repetitions.
  4. Go on a deep breath and deal a abdominal concerning let out your breath, pulling your belly button towards your spine. Hold for 5 to 10 seconds. Reiterate the method 10 moments. 
And now you should be ready to begin the process of that workout. Apply this 7 stretching moves
  1. The hamstring stretch

    Hamstring strectch / pic via topendsports.com
    Keep for 30 sec. take twice for each leg
  2. Knee to chest stretch

    Knee to chest stretch / pic via topendsports.com
    This method helps to strengthen and relax your gluteus. Keep for 20 seconds for each leg twice.
  3. Spinal strecth

    Spinal stretch / pic via topendsports.com
    Keep for 20 seconds and repeat the process on your other knee. You can do this more twice, but don't get excessive
  4. Priformis stretch

    Priformis stretch / pic via .floota.com
    Keep it 30 seconds and do the same for your other leg.
  5. Hip flexors stretch

    Hip flexors stretch / pic via .jefit.com
    Hold for 30 sec. and then switch and repeat with your other knee.
  6. Quadriceps lying down stretch

    Quadriceps lying down stretch / pic via topendsports.com
    Hold for 30 sec. on each side and do twice for each side.
  7. Total back stretch

    Total back stretch / pic via buzztalkies.com
    The following activity will let you relieve entire back, shoulders with arm soreness. Keep on 20 sec and repeat for the other side.
After doing this exercise, your back pain should have been reduced. We also recommend that you should consult a doctor first before doing these exercises.